women@thewell are seeking new trustees. They are a support service for women based in the King’s Cross area of central London. women@thewell provide practical support and advocacy to women facing a wide range of disadvantages, and they have a specialism in working with women whose lives have been affected by prostitution and/or sexual exploitation. Trustees are collectively responsible for the charity pursuing its aims well, in good faith, and using its resources appropriately. In the case of women@thewell it is also an opportunity to make an enormous difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable women in London.
They are looking for those who:
- believe in the values and mission of Women@theWell;
- have the ability to listen, question, deliberate, and plan, collectively and collaboratively;
- are willing to learn about, or has experience with, the work of a small charity trustee board;
- are willing to play an active role in the Board’s collective responsibilities and over time offer or develop skills in an area the board may need.
For more information about the Trustee roles, please click here.
In particular, women@thewell are seeking a new treasurer. For more information about this role specifically, please click here.
The post women@thewell vacancies appeared first on Caritas Social Action Network - CSAN.